How Harmonee Helps



A Business With A Question

Mr. Coffeeman owns a coffee shop and needed to know what customers wanted more: new pastry options or seasonal espresso drinks. In the past, he’d trusted his gut, but after several recent product flops he wanted confidence before investing in something new. With a rival café opening around the block, the stakes were high and he needed to get an edge over the competition. How could he efficiently determine the preferences of his community?

A Nonprofit With Answers

That same day Mr. Coffeeman’s good friend, Dr. NeighborCare came into the shop for her morning coffee. When asked which option she prefered, she suggested he check out a new service called Harmonee. He could quickly ask many local people what they thought in exchange for a donation to her nonprofit - getting the answers he needed while also doing good for the community.

Powered by the People

Mr. Coffeeman posted a survey on Harmonee asking people which option they prefered and pledged a donation to Dr. Neighborcare’s nonprofit. By the time he closed up his shop, 500 answers from customers in his zip code were waiting for him. He made the donation and learned that 90% of potential consumers were more interested in seasonal drinks. With a clear path forward, he confidently spent the twilight hours at the coffee bar mixing new recipes. 

Better Together

Mr. Coffeeman received the answers he needed in exchange for a tax-deductible donation, allowing him to access local data without the hefty price tag of traditional market research. Moreover, he strengthened his relationship to the community by valuing customer input and supporting a trusted nonprofit. Dr. NeighborCare’s nonprofit received passive income, increasing its ability to serve the very people who frequent Mr. Coffeeman’s shop. Finally, the people who responded easily supported a nonprofit they value and had a say in a local business’s decision making.


Harmonee wins Arch Grant and plans to change the world.


The Interloop